Cooking Classes were a success!

Our cooking classes last fall were a big success! We received a grant from the Hestia Women’s Giving Circle to hold two One-Pot Skillet Meal classes. Judi Marlin, nutritionist with the Health Department, offered key points on nutrition and how to incorporate more vegetables in family meals, demonstrated knife skills, and prepared “Hash in the Pan.” Participants sampled the hash and prepared the ingredients to take home. They also each took home an electric skillet, a knife set, measuring cups, utensils, a refrigerator thermometer, and a notebook with recipes and information about cooking and nutrition. Feedback from participants was very positive!         We also hosted two additional cooking classes offered by The Manna Food Project: a crock […]

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A summary of 2018

Good Neighbors is committed to providing healthy food to those in need in our community. We thank everyone who generously supports us in our efforts, and we are honored to be of service to those who come through our doors. Numbers don’t do justice to the whole picture, but they demonstrate the need in our community, and help explain how we spend the donations we are entrusted with: In 2018 Good Neighbors served an average of 60 families per week, representing 216 people Total numbers for the year: 3,084 families; 11,212 people, including 3,905 children and 1,467 seniors Average household size: 3.6 We gave 158 Thanksgiving boxes and 76 Christmas boxes We served 280 unique families In 2018 Charlevoix County […]

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